© 2023 LHT Performance 6330 46th Street N. Unit 111 - Pinellas Park, FL. 33781 - USA.
Building a Better Machine...
It’s hard to explain the drive to make a car your own. Some cars have an aesthetic that screams to be customized and the owners crave to make their dream the best it can be. Other times a make or model needs to that “little something extra” to take it to its full potential. Whatever the reason may be, car owners love their pet projects!
We here at LHT are no different. The pride we have in our work permeates everything we do when we clock in each day. We strive to build great machines that deliver everything the owner has ever wanted or dreamed of having.
We approach all of our work with the same attention to detail and quality but some projects stand out as milestones or represent ground-breaking achievement that we, naturally, are very proud to share with you. Below you will see a short sampling of those projects and we invite you to inquire how LHT can make your next dream come true!
The LHT Performance difference...
import-face-off-02 | htup_1104_10_o+2010_honda_crz+passenger_side_front | 0802_turp_17_z+2001_acura_integra_type_r+left_front_view |
htup_0806_11_z+honda_insight+front_view | htup-1104-01-o+2010-honda-crz+passenger-side-front | DSC00288 |
DSC00437 | turbo-mag-integra | honda-tuning-Ksight |
honda-tuning-KRZ | 0802_turp_08_z02+2001_acura_integra_type_r+right_rear_viewDescribe your image. |